What this quote means to me is that even if you are doing something right and everyone is against you should never think that you are doing something wrong. When you do something wrong and everyone is for it then that still means that what you are doing is still wrong no matter what. For example if you don't want to wear the school uniform and everyone agrees with you then that doesn't mean that it is right to not wear uniform, it is still wrong to not wear uniform. These are the things that drive people to do imaginable things like drink alcohol or start smoking, Lots of people are agreeing to do it and they stand for it but is it the right thing to do. NO it is the wrong thing to do, you should never drink alcohol or start smoking because those things can and will kill. They can reduce your life span in this world.No one really stops to think about what they are really doing to their body and their own life.
Friday, October 28, 2016
" Right is right, even if everyone is against it and wrong is wrong, even when everyone is for it." By William Penn
What this quote means to me is that even if you are doing something right and everyone is against you should never think that you are doing something wrong. When you do something wrong and everyone is for it then that still means that what you are doing is still wrong no matter what. For example if you don't want to wear the school uniform and everyone agrees with you then that doesn't mean that it is right to not wear uniform, it is still wrong to not wear uniform. These are the things that drive people to do imaginable things like drink alcohol or start smoking, Lots of people are agreeing to do it and they stand for it but is it the right thing to do. NO it is the wrong thing to do, you should never drink alcohol or start smoking because those things can and will kill. They can reduce your life span in this world.No one really stops to think about what they are really doing to their body and their own life.
What this quote means to me is that even if you are doing something right and everyone is against you should never think that you are doing something wrong. When you do something wrong and everyone is for it then that still means that what you are doing is still wrong no matter what. For example if you don't want to wear the school uniform and everyone agrees with you then that doesn't mean that it is right to not wear uniform, it is still wrong to not wear uniform. These are the things that drive people to do imaginable things like drink alcohol or start smoking, Lots of people are agreeing to do it and they stand for it but is it the right thing to do. NO it is the wrong thing to do, you should never drink alcohol or start smoking because those things can and will kill. They can reduce your life span in this world.No one really stops to think about what they are really doing to their body and their own life.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
" Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often." By Peter Vidmar
What this quote means to me is that you shouldn't sacrifice what you want later just because you want to do something now. For example if you have homework and you want to watch TV then yo should finish your homework first before watching TV. it is never okay to sacrifice what you want most for the little things like wanting to watch TV or sleep. These things need to be done correctly. Writing them down can help remind you what you really want from want you want at the moment. Writing a goals journal will help you understand what goals you are setting for yourself and what are you going to do to complete them.It is veery important that you do these things to help yourself find out what you want in life.
What this quote means to me is that you shouldn't sacrifice what you want later just because you want to do something now. For example if you have homework and you want to watch TV then yo should finish your homework first before watching TV. it is never okay to sacrifice what you want most for the little things like wanting to watch TV or sleep. These things need to be done correctly. Writing them down can help remind you what you really want from want you want at the moment. Writing a goals journal will help you understand what goals you are setting for yourself and what are you going to do to complete them.It is veery important that you do these things to help yourself find out what you want in life.
School Homecomings
In a school homecoming you usually always have a homecoming game before
you have a homecoming dance. They call the game a homecoming game because the game will be played at the team's school. Meaning that they will be playing on their school home football field. The homecoming dance is like a fall prom. In the dance the homecoming Queen and king will be crowned. Sometime the school will add more categories to name student of the school, like the duch and duchess. Seniors are the only people that can be selected as a queen or king.most homecomings have a parade that follows the dance afterwards.
In homecomings girls usually wear a knee length dress with their hair up and boys wear a tucked in shirt and pants. While in a prom girls where a more formal dress with their hair up and boys where a suit or tuxedo. These are some facts about homecoming and this is possibly what is going to happen in our soon to be homecoming on friday.
Monday, October 24, 2016
" A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life." By Mike Krzyzewski
What this quote means to me is that having a good representation of yourself is better than having to achieve the best thing in the world.It is better to be known as a good student than to be known as a bad student. Everyone in this world only cares about achieving success but is it really more important than being known as helpful, being honest, and being trustworthy. Everything you own is not better than being a good person. There is nothing better than being such a trustworthy person in this life. Even though jobs and careers in the world don't really care if you are a good person they only want to know what you have achieved to hire you as an employee. That is what is wrong in this world, some people don't care what you have done to help others and to maintain a good perspective. They only care if you have graduated from collage with a Master's degree or if you have achieved a program that relates to the career. No matter how much you help others the world won't stop to help you if you have not achieved something in your entire life. On the bright side helping others will make you feel better about yourself and every good deed is always returned no matter how long it takes.
What this quote means to me is that having a good representation of yourself is better than having to achieve the best thing in the world.It is better to be known as a good student than to be known as a bad student. Everyone in this world only cares about achieving success but is it really more important than being known as helpful, being honest, and being trustworthy. Everything you own is not better than being a good person. There is nothing better than being such a trustworthy person in this life. Even though jobs and careers in the world don't really care if you are a good person they only want to know what you have achieved to hire you as an employee. That is what is wrong in this world, some people don't care what you have done to help others and to maintain a good perspective. They only care if you have graduated from collage with a Master's degree or if you have achieved a program that relates to the career. No matter how much you help others the world won't stop to help you if you have not achieved something in your entire life. On the bright side helping others will make you feel better about yourself and every good deed is always returned no matter how long it takes.
Duties and responsibilities:
An archaeologist is suppose to dig and discover artifacts from the past that can reveal the mysteries of history. They find things such as ancient ruins, tools, and templates that have writing in their language. They have to preserve these artifacts safely in a museum or in the firm you are working for. They are responsible for finding out what happened to extinct civilizations through the findings of various artifacts.
As an Archaeologist you have to study archaeology, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology and linguistics. This is important because if you need to find an artifact that is in another country then you will need to know their language to understand and speak to them. To pursue a Master's Degree is recommended more because then you will be able to have open opportunities to work for a firm.
The average salary for a Archaeologist is 61,220 dollars.
Demand for this profession:
This career or profession is expected to grow 4% between 2014 to 2024.
I would actually like to be involved in this job or career because i have always been curious about the past. I have also been drawn towards artifacts and ancient tools. So i will actually be looking further into this career choice. I also like this job very much because you will get to travel around the world into different countries.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
" A good names is rather to be chosen than great riches." By Proverbs 22:1
what this statement means to me is that having a good reprutations is better than have lots of money. Being thought of kind, generous, and caring is better than being known as spoiled, rude,and selfish. Having respect from others is better than all the money in the world. money can't by you everything. Money can't by you respect or love, just like money, everything it can by is fake. People who are rich can also have a good name. This is possible because they use their riches to help others around the world with the disadvantages they have in life. For example, if someone doesn't have a home to stay in or doesn;t have money to buy food, then i will pay for it so they won't have to worry as much. It is very helpful to your soul and it helpful to the community. There are onlty short amounts of people who do this kind things when they are rich. Not many rich people would help someone else.
what this statement means to me is that having a good reprutations is better than have lots of money. Being thought of kind, generous, and caring is better than being known as spoiled, rude,and selfish. Having respect from others is better than all the money in the world. money can't by you everything. Money can't by you respect or love, just like money, everything it can by is fake. People who are rich can also have a good name. This is possible because they use their riches to help others around the world with the disadvantages they have in life. For example, if someone doesn't have a home to stay in or doesn;t have money to buy food, then i will pay for it so they won't have to worry as much. It is very helpful to your soul and it helpful to the community. There are onlty short amounts of people who do this kind things when they are rich. Not many rich people would help someone else.
Health Educator
Duties and responsibilities:
- As a health educator you will have to teach the community about wellness and the aspects of your health that are important to maintain.
- They think of effective strategies that will promote healthy behaviors to improve an individual's well being.
- Health Educators work in environments such as hospitals, non-profit organizations, and colleges.
- To become a Health Educator you have to obtain a bachelor’s degree.
- Many employers require the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) credential.
- You have to study teaching methods and ways to create a good learning environment for people to work in.
- The average certified Health educator is paid about 48,599 dollars a year.
Demand for this profession:
- This career pathway is expected to grow 19% from 2012 to 2022.
In my professional opinion it is not in my best interest to be involved in any way to this job. Even though it might be in the medical field it is still something i won’t enjoy as my future job. The job is more about educating other about health and i’m not the type of person that doesn’t know how to properly explain things for others to understand.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Healthcare Administrator
Duties and responsibilities:
- What a Healthcare administrator does is keep the hospital running efficiently and lead the nurses, doctors and other professionals who work there.
- They also have to perform administrative duties including case management and manage patient files and medical records.
- They often work in medical facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes and physicians offices. Healthcare professionals can also work for insurance companies in several capacities.
- They also are in several programs.
- Course that Healthcare professionals should on effective leadership, planning, problem solving and organizational management.
- They should take courses such as public health or business, hospital or nursing administration during their master’s degree.
- The salary for an average Healthcare Administrator is 94,500 dollars.
Demand for this profession:
- It is projected to grow 17% between 2014 - 2024.
Reflection: In opinion i would not like to have this as my future career option. When i get a career in the medical field i want to be able to help not look at medical documents. So due to my lack of interest in this profession i will no longer be looking into it anymore. Even though this job is in the medical field.
Friday, October 14, 2016
" If your so called friends urge you to do anything wrong , you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow." By Thomas S. Monson
What this statement means to me is that you should never fall into a victim of peer pressure. You should always do what you know is right no matter what others say about you. Be the light that is shining in the dark. Be the one that will do what is always right and will never do the wrong.doing the wrong can lead you to bad situations, for example if you choose the wrong and break a law then it is most likely that they will catch you and take you to prison. But if you are the person who said no and didn't want to commit a crime won't go to prison. going to prison is the worst thing that could happen to you, other than the death penalty. The death penalty is when you commit a very big crime like murdering someone will lead you to the death penalty where they will shock until you die. There are many harsh consequences to the people who decide to do the wrong, but to the people who stand up for the right thing will only be rewarded with happiness.
What this statement means to me is that you should never fall into a victim of peer pressure. You should always do what you know is right no matter what others say about you. Be the light that is shining in the dark. Be the one that will do what is always right and will never do the wrong.doing the wrong can lead you to bad situations, for example if you choose the wrong and break a law then it is most likely that they will catch you and take you to prison. But if you are the person who said no and didn't want to commit a crime won't go to prison. going to prison is the worst thing that could happen to you, other than the death penalty. The death penalty is when you commit a very big crime like murdering someone will lead you to the death penalty where they will shock until you die. There are many harsh consequences to the people who decide to do the wrong, but to the people who stand up for the right thing will only be rewarded with happiness.
Duties and responsibilities:
As an animator you have to create develop animation from the concept of the client. You also have to creating storyboards that depict the script and narrative, designing models, backgrounds, sets, characters, objects and the animation environment. There are many more duties you have to accomplish such as recording dialogue and working with editors to composite the various layers of animation, developing the timing and pace of the movements of a character or object during the sequence of images and ensuring they follow the soundtrack and audio requirements. You have to do all of this by a deadline. The more clients that are happy the better reputation you get.
As an Animator you have to be skilled at drawing, creating clay models, using acrylic paint, and various oils. Creating a portfolios allows you to show your clients you work, so they can decide if they would like to work with you. In school a student who wants to become an Animator should typically take courses in drawing, 3D programming, computer graphics, video effects and graphic design. An Animator has to have a certification and an assistant degree.
For an average Animator it is $63,970 annually (for all multimedia artists and animators)
Demand for this profession:
The percentage of expected growth for animators is 6%
Reflection: I think that i would love to do this job because i am a very creative person and i like to draw. Creating my own cartoon would probably be my dream job. So i will be looking more into this career opportunity
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
" A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." By Noemi Trigueros
What this statement means to me is that a person who is CTR is already making a great person out of him or herself. A CTR person is always choosing the right therefore making a great person in life. CTR people are very kind, loyal, and responsible, they are never mean and never choose the wrong. They help others when the need it, they are always doing their work, and they never give up. These type of people is what we need in society today, we have too many people who always choose the wrong. Why don't we choose the right for a change in our life and in the community. Choosing the right can cause happiness in thousands of peoples lives, but if you choose the wrong it will not only hurt you, it will hurt everyone around you. So if you want a change in your community please Not only become a CTR person yourself but encourage others as well.
What this statement means to me is that a person who is CTR is already making a great person out of him or herself. A CTR person is always choosing the right therefore making a great person in life. CTR people are very kind, loyal, and responsible, they are never mean and never choose the wrong. They help others when the need it, they are always doing their work, and they never give up. These type of people is what we need in society today, we have too many people who always choose the wrong. Why don't we choose the right for a change in our life and in the community. Choosing the right can cause happiness in thousands of peoples lives, but if you choose the wrong it will not only hurt you, it will hurt everyone around you. So if you want a change in your community please Not only become a CTR person yourself but encourage others as well.
Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:
Environmental health specialists protect the public and the environment by making sure that environmental regulations are being met. They often work for the federal, state or local government. Being an environmental health specialist can be dangerous because they put themselves in dangerous or stressful situations in order to gauge levels of safety.
To become an Environmental health specialist you must first a Bachelor's Environmental Health or related subjects like biology and chemistry. To get a career as an Environmental health specialist some people might require 1-3 years of work experience. Certification for this job is not required by law. To become an Environmental health specialist pursuing your Master’s is degree is important because by the BLS, a graduate degree and extensive work experience are typically required for advanced safety specialist positions.
The Salary for an average Environmental health specialist is 70,210 dollars per year. Some extra money is given to those who put themselves in dangerous and stressful positions to keep people safe.
Demand for this profession:
This profession is expected to grow 11% faster than the average.
Reflection: I would not like to look further into this job because it is something that i am not very interested in. it pays well but i don't want to do this for my future career. This job is not what i want to be. It’s just not for me, i wouldn’t be happy doing this job.
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