Columbus Day
What is Columbus Day: Columbus Day is the day we celebrate when an explorer named Christopher Columbus traveled from the spanish ports of palos to what is now known as the United States Of America with his 3 ships named the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
What is Columbus Day: Columbus Day is the day we celebrate when an explorer named Christopher Columbus traveled from the spanish ports of palos to what is now known as the United States Of America with his 3 ships named the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
Christopher Columbus set out to sea to find what is known as a New World, so the people of his country could move to the newly founded land , but was it newly found land never seen before by anyone? The answer to this Question is no, this land was founded by someone else before Christopher Columbus. These people were called the Native Americans, They followed their own religion and lived in peace before Christopher Columbus and the people of his country came. Christopher Columbus and his people killed lots of Native americans to fight for the land. The Natives didn’t have guns and other advancements like Genoa, they only had bow and arrows along with other tools. So Genoa won over the land with the help of some conquistadors.
Reflection: What i think about this holiday and what was done to thousands of people is that is might have been unfair but where would we be today if that moment in history never happened. The United States probably would have never existed. So what was done is now done and it can never be changed.
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