Monday, October 24, 2016

Duties and responsibilities:
An archaeologist is suppose to  dig and discover artifacts from the past that can reveal the mysteries of history. They find things such as ancient ruins, tools, and templates that have writing in their language. They have to preserve these artifacts safely in a museum or in the firm you are working for. They are responsible for finding out what happened to extinct civilizations through the findings of various artifacts.

As an Archaeologist you have to study archaeology, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology and linguistics. This is important because if you need to find an artifact that is in another country then you will need to know their language to understand and speak to them.  To pursue a Master's Degree is recommended more because then you will be able to have open opportunities to work for a firm.
The average salary for a Archaeologist is 61,220 dollars.

Demand for this profession:
This career or profession is expected to grow 4% between 2014 to 2024.

Image result for archaeologistImage result for archaeologist]

I would actually like to be involved in this job or career because i have always been curious about the past. I have also been drawn towards artifacts and ancient tools. So i will actually be looking further into this career choice. I also like this job very much because you will get to travel around the world into different countries.

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